National Delta Chi Awards
-Award of Excellence
-Excellence in Assisting the Aquisition of a Sound Education
-Excellence with Distinction in Advancing Justice
-Excellence in Developing Character
-Excellence with Distinction in Promoting Friendship
Regional Delta Chi Awards
- Region 2 Regant's Cup
- Outstanding Service
- Academic Excellence
- Campus Leadership
Cal Poly Awards
- Cal Poly Honor Award

National Delta Chi Awards
- Outstanding Collegiate Leadership "A" Cole McKnight
- Outstanding Alumni Board of Trustees
- Outstanding Chapter Advisory Award '94 Steven Urritia
- Award of Excellence
Regional Delta Chi Awards
- Region 2 Regant's Cup
- Outstanding Service
- Academic Excellence
- Campus Leadership
- Undergraduate of the Year Luke Roberts
Cal Poly Awards
- Safety and Risk Management
- IFC member of the year Luke Roberts

National Delta Chi Awards
- Presidents Cup
- Promote Friendship
- Assist in the Acquisition of a Sound Education
- Outstanding "C" Award Carson Bristol
- Outstanding Collegiate Leadership "A" Robert Scott & and "D" Robert Shimidt
- Award of Excellence
Regional Delta Chi Awards
- Region 2 Regant's Cup
- Outstanding Service
- Academic Excellence
- Campus Leadership

Award Meanings
- The President's Cup is Delta Chi's most coveted award. Each year, Delta Chi recognizes top chapters in both the red and buff divisions. The President's Cup winners have demonstrated superior excellence through their compositie scores. They have shown exemplary operational performance while promoting a strong values-based fraternal experience and creating a measurable impact for their members, campuses, and communities.
- This award honors the chapters that have consistently shown excellence in their schollarly pursuits over the last two semseter.
- The Outstanding Alumni Board of Trustees Award highlights the chapter advisory boards that have shown an unwavering commitment to assisting an undergraduate chaoter during the previous academic year.
- The Outstanding Collegiate Leadership Award honors any Delta Chi officer or chairmen, excluding those in the "C" or "E" positions, who have inspired others through their leadership, positivity, and commitment to excellence.
- This award recognizes the amazing chapter advisors who worked tirelessly over the last two semesters to ensure that our undergraduates have the resources they need to thrive.
- The Award of Excellence recognizes chapters that demonstrated performance in Delta Chi's core competencies (Promote Friendship, Develop Character, Advance Justice, and Assist in the Acquisition of a Sound Education) and recieved the highest overall composite scores for the academic year.